Máquina do Corpo

Esta página é dedicada a representações dos órgãos dos sentidos como média e do corpo como máquina.

Sobre a visualização do cérebro [Stanford University, 2013]

Sobre o cérebro como computador

Supercomputers can store more information than the human brain and can calculate a single equation faster, but even the biggest, fastest supercomputers in the world cannot match the overall processing power of the brain. And they are nowhere near as compact or energy efficient.

Nevertheless, IBM is trying to simulate the human brain with its own cutting-edge supercomputer, called Blue Gene​. For the simulation, it used 147,456 processors working in parallel with one another. IBM researchers say each processor is roughly equivalent to the one found in a personal computer, with one gigabyte of working memory.

So configured, Blue Gene simulated 4.5 percent of the brain’s neurons and the connections among them called synapses—that’s about one billion neurons and 10 trillion synapses. In total, the brain has roughly 20 billion neurons and 200 trillion synapses.

IBM describes the work in an intriguing paper (pdf) that compares various animal simulations done by its cognitive computing research group in Almaden, Calif. The group has managed to completely simulate the brain of a mouse (512 processors), rat (2,048) and cat (24,576). To rival the cortex inside your head, IBM predicts it will need to hook up 880,000 processors, which it hopes to achieve by 2019.

Mark Fischetti, Scientific American, October 25, 2011.

Damásio sobre a consciência e as emoções

Antonio Damasio, Self Comes to Mind (interview, October 2010)

Antonio Damasio, Self Comes to Mind (interview, October 2010)

Sobre o corpo como modelo 3D

BioDigital Human 2.0: Explore the Human Body in 3D (2012) [Human: Body Visualization Platform]

Sobre o olho e o ouvido como mecanismos

How the Eye Functions: A Classroom Film, by K. K. Bosse (1941)

Eye Anatomy & Physiology (1941)

How the Ear Functions: A Classroom Film, by K. K. Bosse (1940)

Sobre a modelação digital do sentido do tato

Haptography: Digitizing our sense of touch, by Katherine Kuchenbecker(2013)