More than ever the reproduction of art and media is relevant. The famous text of Walter Benjamin may be written 1944, but I believe that the accuracy of the text just keeps growing with the years. In the text he discusses how we have found new ways to reproduce art such as text, music, film with an evolving technology. Today we have an even more easy and effective way for this, this is the internet and computers that constantly evolve with its technology. Whoever can pretty much copy whatever and publish on the internet. The possibility for almost perfect recreations are just a few clicks away. Even though Benjamin has a point in the reproductions lacking presence in its time and space, there are also several benefits. Today many artists have especially strong copyrights. But how far do the copyrights go and is the reproduction only bad? Reproduction of artistic pieces can give new life to old art pieces. 

Some examples where old art and media has been creatively given new life are “van Gogh immersive experience” museums, old paintings turned into “funny pictures”, but also movies such as the lion king made in 2019 that changed cartoons to look like real animals. Some may say that these ones are just copies of the original, which they are, but they also give new meanings to the art. Especially the van Gogh immersive experience gives the art pieces completely new life. Joined with sound and moving elements these old pieces get a new meaning and can show new details. This is one of the benefits of reproduction, being able to highlight things that otherwise some people could have missed. It can also show old culture to new generations by inspiring new technology.