In this age, counterfeit news and hidden agenda are found behind a substantial amount of information. For the mere fact of having a Smartphone in your hands, you are already selling your personal data. Nowadays, anybody can undoubtedly access to this information without consent, and modify our thoughts, acts and what’s more, our political ideology.

Cambridge Analytica is an analytics consulting company that has utilized it´s platform to acquire the personal information of 87 million Facebook users with the purpose of conducting a political manipulation and therefore, obtain the election victory of the ultra-right-wing party of Donald Trump in 2016.

Carole Cadwallard, an insightful journalist of the broadly known British daily paper, The Guardian, uncovered the greatest political intrigue of our times.

It all started when Carol chose to seek in Google two blameless words; “are Jews”. She was bewildered when she perused the first suggestion in the browser; “are Jews evil?” Besides, the most visited site had a Nazi predisposition and was cluttered with false reports.

On the other hand, a great source of assistance for the inquiry was Christopher Wylie, who took part of Cambridge Analytica and revealed how the organization plotted with Donald Trump.

“Cambridge Analytica sought to identify mental and emotional characteristics in certain subsets of the American population and worked to exploit them by designing them to activate some of the worst vulnerabilities in people, such as neuroticism, paranoia and racial biases” (The Senate Judiciary Committee, May 16th, 2018)

The arrangement began when Christopher Wylie presented his concept of extracting Facebook information to Robert Merser. Along these lines, Steve Bannon (VP of Cambridge Analytica) became Donald´s Trump campaign manager.

Due to or Facebook information, Cambridge Analytica knew the users so well that could, without much of a stretch, recognize what type of fake news had to reach them to stimulate their brain to change their ideology.

In conclusion, the government lies through media and conceals the truth; we live in an holographic world created by them. Everything is based in control. Media has demolished democracy, as we know it today. It is a mistake to think that media, nowadays, is not controlled by the state

Now the question is: if we are our thoughts, but our thoughts are being manipulated, are we really us?


Cambridge Analytica and the Future of Data Privacy. (2018, May 16th). Comitee on the Judiciary